This indicator measures the amount (length and percent) of Puget Sound feeder bluff shorelines that have been armored. Feeder bluffs are eroding coastal bluffs that deliver the sand and gravel to maintain Puget Sound’s beaches and spits. Beaches and bluffs provide critical habitat for the region’s fish and wildlife, including spawning beaches for forage fish and rearing habitat for juvenile salmon. Shoreline armor disrupts the natural supply of sediment and can lead to the loss of beaches and degraded nearshore habitat.
Extent of feeder bluff shorelines where armor is present (orange) or not present (blue) by Puget Sound Local Area. The 11 Local Area geographies are derived from the Puget Sound Partnership Action Areas to represent local communities working to advance the Partnership’s Action Agenda.
No targets are currently set for this indicator.
Beach Strategies Phase 1. Estuary and Salmon Restoration Program Learning Project #14-2308. Prepared by Coastal Geologic Services (2017).
Changes in Shoreline Armoring in San Juan County, WA 2009-2019: Mapping, Analysis and Regulatory Review. NTA 2018-0828. Friends of the San Juans (2022).